Material Solutions for Automotive
Ginar technology products had been broadly used in automatic industries. Continually develop new products with comprehensive services.
Products characteristics includes high rigidity, toughness, high thermal resistance, hydrolysis tolerate which are especially important for automatic parts.
Products dynamic and core technology
Polyamides are used to replace metals in engine of automatic parts. Characteristics includes 「Light weight」,「cost reduction」,「ductility shaping」.In addition, products appearances are smooth without fiber exposure. Other characteristic includes great flexibility, strengths, thermal resistance, and chemicals resistance, to ensure the needs of engine parts.
Material Solutions for Automotive- Engine Parts
Intake manifold Thermal resist series: PA-AN0720SN
Merits include: Light weight, cost advantage, smooth appearances without fiber exposure, increase airflow, and enhance power output. -
Automatic engine radiator hydrolysis resistance series: PA- AN4720SN
Smooth and glossy surfaces without fibers exposure on products.
Characteristics also include great heat/cold resistances. Cryoprotectants etching resist in high temperature continuously working environment. -
Engine hood trim series: PA-AN4720SN
Great heat resistance, size stability, and low warpage for easy painting. Satisfy the need of customers on external engine designs. -
Interiors- Dashboard assembly and internal door protectors
PP-P0090CN, PP-P2213GN, P2413GN, PP-P0213GN, P0513GN series:
Great fluidity for complex interiors products.
Great size stability for easy painting.
Great UV resistance, rigidity ,toughness, scratch resistance, and low on VOC (Volatile Organic compounds).低有機揮發物 -
Exteriors- Automatic bumper
PP-P0213GN, PP-P0413GN series:
Great compatibility, rigidity, toughness, scratch resistance, size stability and easy for painting.